May 5, 2020 | Canada, Education, North America
Work experience You need 1 year of continuous work experience (at least 1,560 hours) in the past 3 years. To calculate your hours of work experience count the hours worked in part-time and full-time jobsThe hours must be in 1 occupation, but they can be with different...
May 3, 2020 | Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Education, Europe, Global, North America, Resources
Organizer: Canada Africa Partnership (CAP) Network Location: Online Description: African communities will be hit hardest by the climate crisis even while contributing the least to global carbon emissions. Indeed, the continent has contributed only 2-3% of GHG...
Apr 22, 2020 | Education, North America
The CESB will give $1,250 a month to students impacted by COVID-19. After weeks of worry about being left out of the CERB, COVID-19 financial relief is finally coming for Canadian post-secondary students. On Wednesday, Justin Trudeau’s federal...
Apr 8, 2020 | Education, North America
Students across Ontario began online learning Monday, more than three weeks after COVID-19 shuttered schools in the name of physical distancing. Teachers will lead the effort with both live and pre-recorded lessons, but some parents said the move is already posing...
Mar 27, 2020 | Africa, Education
Some students of the University of Professional Studies, Accra have called on the management of the school to review its e-learning policy in the wake of the coronavirus-induced shut down of schools. Citi News understands that the management of the University...
Mar 25, 2020 | Education, North America, Trade
News release March 25, 2020 – Ottawa, Ontario – Department of Finance Canada The Government of Canada is taking strong, immediate and effective action to protect Canadians and the economy from the impacts of the global COVID-19 pandemic. No Canadian...